Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs | Causes and Natural Treatment
What is Autoimmune Disease in Dogs?
Dogs have a similar immune system when compared to humans. It is made up of a white blood cells and antibodies that help fight bacteria, infection and viruses. Autoimmune disease in dogs means that the body is basically attacking itself by not being able to help fight infection, bacteria and viruses. Autoimmune disease in dogs can be fatal, so it is important to watch for symptoms and to follow-up with your Vet.
What is anemia?
Anemia is a condition or a disease that causes a reduction in red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both. Red blood cells are developed in the bone marrow. During their life cycle they will be recycled to form new red blood cells. If your dog has a reduced number of red blood cells then it means that their bone marrow is not producing as much.
Hemoglobin is the function in your dogs body that helps channel oxygen to the cells and tissues. If your dog is anemic then they will have a lack of oxygen getting to cells and tissues. When this happens you’ll notice your dog will have symptoms related to lack of oxygen.
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs (AIHA)
Dog Autoimmune conditions are referred to as immune disorders that cause harm to the body’s own tissues. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs (AIHA) occurs when your dogs body attacks and begins to destroy its own red blood cells. Although, red blood cells are still being produced in your dogs bone marrow, AIHA in Dogs causes red blood cells to have a shorter life span. There is another name for autoimmune hemolytic anemia in dogs and it’s called immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or IMHA.
Cause of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs: Idiopathic or Underlying Conditions
Primary AIHA: Idiopathic
This is typically referred to as primary AIHA and means that the condition has arised spontaneously or the cause of the autoimmune hemolytic anemia in dogs is unknown. When your dog has primary AIHA their immune system does not work properly and incorrectly makes antibodies that target its own red blood cells.
Secondary AIHA: Underlying Conditions
In secondary AIHA red blood cells become transformed because of an underlying condition, or toxin. What happens is that your dogs immune system doesn’t recognize the red blood cells and starts to attack them. In most cases second AIHA in dogs is triggered by cancer, infection, blood parasites, drug reactions, snakebites, chemicals, toxins, or bee stings. If you are dealing with stressed dogs then their body can also trigger AIHA.
Organ Workload, Overload
When red blood cells become destroyed within the blood vessels it’s called intravascular hemolysis. Extravascular hemolysis is when red blood cells are destroy when they circulate through the liver or spleen. In both these scenarios hemoglobin is released and the liver will continuously try to break down the high levels of hemoglobin. This process creates and overload of workload for the organ.
Symptoms of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs
If your dog has autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) then you’ll notice their gums will be very pale in color. Other symptoms of AIHA in Dogs are fatigue, lack of oxygen, heart rate, and your dog breathing fast. These symptoms occur because of the low oxygen levels in your dogs cells, tissues and brain.
You’ll also find that as the disease progresses it will increase the levels of bilirubin. When dogs have an increased level of bilirubin it means that they have a deficiency in an enzyme that helps breaks bilirubin down. This happens because of a lack of red blood cells. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in dogs causes increased levels of bilirubin which causes the skin, gums, and other mucous membranes to appear jaundiced.
Diagnosing Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs
Your vet will be able to diagnose AIHA in Dogs by performing a blood test called complete blood count (CBC). The complete blood count evaluates your dogs overall health and detects disorders like anemia, infection and leukemia. It mainly measures red blood cells which carry oxygen. For Anemia specifically your vet will used PCV (Packed Cell Volume) to determine red blood cell levels, shapes and sizes.
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in dogs will cause the number of red blood cells to be low as well as altering the size and shape of the red blood cells.
It is highly possible that your Vet will recommended numerous tests to evaluate your dogs overall health and the severity of AIHA. Additional tests will usually include urinalysis, x-rays and ultrasounds. Because red blood cells play important roles these additional tests can potential show how AIHA started in your dog and if any other Autoimmune Disease has affected your dog.
Treatment for Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs (AIHA)
Treatments for anemia can be based on the severity of AIHA in Dogs. If it is life threatening than your Vet may require blood transfusions for your dog. Blood transfusion will help increase the red blood cells to help stabilize your dog while looking for causes of the autoimmune disease or various treatments.
If the AIHA in your dog was secondary then your vet will focus on finding the cause of the underlying disease and treating this condition. This may include antibiotics or heartworm treatment.
CBD Oil for AIHA in Dogs: Inflammation and Symptom Suppressor
Paws Elite has many customers that needed supplement treatment for autoimmune hemolytic anemia in dogs. Since inflammation is one of the root causes to many autoimmune diseases in dogs customers have been using CBD Oil for managing and providing their dogs with a better quality of life.
CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties and other compounds that help regulate the inflammation response system.
Organic CBD Oil Benefits
CBD oil is a natural supplement that provides our anti-inflammatory properties that help control the pain of our dogs. It is used widely as a CBD Pet Tincture or Topical treatment. It helps calm down your dog while relieve joint pain, hip pain and arthritis. CBD Oil Helps:
- Maintain a Normal Inflammatory response
- Relaxation
- Ease Aches and Discomfort
- Enhance Brain Function
- Anti-Anxiety
- Anti-Nausea
- Appetite Inducer
CBD oil is non-toxic safe supplement that has virtually no side effects.
Where to Buy CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats?
When finding a company that produces and sells CBD Oil for pets, you’ll need to make sure you understand where the CBD comes from. If you want to purchase CBD Oil for your pets due to the health benefits for your dogs or cats then you’ll want to consider the following
- Pets Age
- Weight
- Breed
These 3 factors play a big role in understanding the serving size of CBD Oil for your pets. While nothing life threatening will happen if you were to give a higher dose than needed, you’ll notice your pet will possibly fall asleep. However, there is nothing to worry about they’ll be dreaming and will awaken after a while.
Buying CBD oil for your pet is an exciting step to help calm your dog or cat by reducing symptoms like anxiety, and seizures. Paws Elite CBD Oil is crafted with care, and our CBD oil tinctures provide CBD, CBC, CBG, and other beneficial compounds that produce a full spectrum extract full of quality for your cat or dog. Find your product here