Can humans take pet CBD Oil?

Can humans take pet CBD Oil?

The simple answer to this question is YES! Why wouldn’t humans be able to take CBD Oil that is for your pets? CBD is known as cannabinoid this cannabinoid is easily digestible by both humans and pets.

Surprisingly enough the cannabinoids help by being a part of the endocannabinoid system. This system is involved with a variety of physiological processes such as appetite, pain sensation, mood, and memory and occurs in all mammals. This is why humans are allowed to take pet CBD oil.

Can Humans take pet CBD Oil?

There is no difference between CBD oil that is manufactured for humans and the CBD oil that’s produced for pets. CBD is completely safe and tolerated by all species. We would recommend that you consult with an advisor at the least for human consumption just to understand the reason why you may want or need CBD Oil.  It is nearly impossible to overdose on CBD Oil and at the worst occasion you may simply feel drowsy.

CBD Oil is made purely from the hemp plants that have 0 THC in them. Whether it is for human or pet consumption CBD oil is derived from the flowers, leaves and stalks of the plant. The same breed of plants is used for both humans and pets.

CBD is safe across the board. It is well tolerated for all species and is easily metabolized by our various bodies. It is also essentially impossible to overdose on – if taken at a sufficiently high dose, CBD will simply result in drowsiness. Both you and your pet will just sleep off the dose! It's known that humans tend to take CBD oil for Sciatica Nerves.

Difference Between CBD Oil oil for Humans and Pets

Ultimately, their is no difference because Paws Elite's CBD oil is manufactured the same way human CBD oil is manufactured. We work with the nations top and most reputable laboratory that helps us maintain a high quality product. We like to live by the motto that if the quality is not good enough for humans, it's not good enough for our pets! 


So what’s to stop humans taking Pet CBD Oil?

The biggest difference between the two consumer products are that the FDA requires strict labeling for any products that are produced for human consumption. Although CBD Oil is completely natural and safe the FDA has created regulations to limit and monitor how consumers can get their hands on CBD Oil.

How Can Humans Take Pet CBD Oil?

Ingesting CBD oil is quite safe and the dosage requirements for humans is about 10 mg at the minimum. The dosage requirements is different between pets and humans, but the pet CBD oil can be used interchangeably between pets and humans. Also, we should always learn about the differences of hemp oil vs cbd oil.

You can always increase the dosage to increase the effects and it will not have any negative side effects. If you do notice you're getting sick, or don't feel well you may need to see a doctor. This may be due to allergies or your body rejecting the CBD oil.


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