Bear Names that are Funny, Cute, Inspirational for Male and Female
Most often believe that bears are vicious, unrestrained, and frightening, but in actuality male bears and female bears are animals of the wild! It’s known that some people own bears as pets and that they can actually live with people.
Check out our curated list of top bear names! Whether you're naming a teddy bear, a sponsored bear, or even a dog that resembles a bear, you’ll find the perfect name in our collection. For dogs, especially, you might also find inspiration from our most popular boy dog names.
We gathered a list of bear names that may sound fierce, soft, cute, funny, and gentle to reflect the certain personality trait, but these names are perfect for any adorable teddy bear.
Good luck on finding your favorite bear name!
As a family, we’ve always loved Smokey Bear and Yogi Bear, they were just instant classics. We considered them the best bear names.
1. Akakabuto | 51. Keenai |
2. Andy Panda | 52. Kevin |
3. Archie | 53. Kissyfur |
4. Baloo | 54. Kit Cloudkicker |
5. Bamboo | 55. Koda |
6. Barnacles | 56. Kumajiro |
7. Barney Bear | 57. Little John |
8. Barry Bear | 58. Luk |
9. Basil | 59. Lulu |
10. Bear | 60. Lumpjaw |
11. Bernard | 61. Malloy |
12. Biffo | 62. Master Po |
13. Big Mikey | 63. Master Yo |
14. Blossom | 64. Maxie |
15. Blubber Bear | 65. Mor’du |
16. Bobby | 66. Mouk |
17. Bobo | 67. Muk |
18. Bojan | 68. Natsu |
19. Bongo | 69. Nestor |
20. Boo Boo | 70. Oso |
21. Boog | 71. Oxsana |
22. Boris | 72. Panda |
23. Breezly | 73. Panny |
24. Bungle | 74. Penny Ling |
25. Burble | 75. Pepper |
26. Buttons | 76. Peter |
27. Choko | 77. Ping |
28. Cindy Bear | 78. Pop |
29. Cornelius | 79. Punch |
30. Corporal | 80. Queen Elinor |
31. Cub | 81. Roro |
32. Disco Bear | 82. Rupert |
33. Eddy | 83. Sebastian Star |
34. Flippy | 84. Smolder |
35. Fluffy | 85. Sonya |
36. Freddy Fazbear | 86. Sooty |
37. Fuzz | 87. SuperTed |
38. George | 88. Ted |
39. Ginko | 89. Teri |
40. Gordon | 90. The Buddy Bears |
41. Grizzly | 91. Tim |
42. Gummi | 92. Tobby |
43. Harvey | 93. Tottles |
44. Hei Bai | 94. Uranus |
45. Humphrey | 95. Victor |
46. Ice Bear | 96. Vincent |
47. Jack Bear | 97. Waldo |
48. Jasper | 98. Winnie the Pooh |
49. Jelly | 99. Yogi |
50. Junior | 100. Zozi |
Baby cubs and bears are the cutest! Teddy bears are also cute and cute bear names would best fit those adorable cubs. The list below goes over the cute bear names we love.
9. Beauty | 59. Milky |
10. Bertie | 60. Millie |
11. Bessy | 61. Mindy |
12. Biff | 62. Mochi |
13. Binky | 63. Monty |
14. Bitsy | 64. Nemo |
15. Blue | 65. Ostin |
16. Boo | 66. Pal |
17. Casper | 67. Parker |
18. Celine | 68. Pea |
19. Champ | 69. Pepper |
20. Charlie | 70. Petey |
21. Clancy | 71. Pink |
22. Coby | 72. Poe |
23. Cole | 73. Pooh |
24. Dancer | 74. Prince |
25. Dazzler | 75. Princess |
26. Dexter | 76. Racer |
27. Diego | 77. Rainbow |
28. Dina | 78. Reggie |
29. Duffy | 79. Rio |
30. Duke | 80. Rocky |
31. Eli | 81. Rolo |
32. Emmie | 82. Ron |
33. Esme | 83. Ronnie |
34. Eva | 84. Sasha |
35. Fifi | 85. Scooter |
36. Flubber | 86. Shellie |
37. Fluffster | 87. Skylar |
38. Fozzie | 88. Soar |
39. Frannie | 89. Sparkle |
40. Gabriel | 90. Spots |
41. George | 91. Sprite |
42. Gizmo | 92. Tilly |
43. Glitter | 93. Tiny |
44. Gracie | 94. Tubs |
45. Harvey | 95. Viva |
46. Herbie | 96. Waldo |
47. Iggy | 97. Wally |
48. Jasper | 98. Winona |
49. Jimmy | 99. Wispa |
50. Joey | 100. Zoe |
Male Bears are known to be fierce and powerful. They're strong and have massive strength. See these top bear facts that would surprise you! See the blow list of male bear names to see what fits your powerful male bears.
1. Ace | 51. Dominator |
2. Andrew | 52. Domino |
3. Aubrey | 53. Duke |
4. Baker | 54. Duncan |
5. Balthazar | 55. Dusty |
6. Baron | 56. Dusty |
7. Barret | 57. Eddie |
8. Baxter | 58. Ernie |
9. BB | 59. Flash |
10. Belarmino | 60. Freddie |
11. Belmont | 61. Fritz |
12. Benjamin | 62. Gatsby |
13. Benji | 63. George |
14. Benning | 64. Georgie |
15. Benny | 65. Gizmo |
16. Bernardo | 66. Glory |
17. Billy | 67. Guerrilla |
18. Bjorn | 68. Gus |
19. Blade | 69. Henry |
20. Blast | 70. Hero |
21. Bodie | 71. Hijack |
22. Boniface | 72. Honcho |
23. Boomer | 73. Hulk |
24. Boston | 74. Humvee |
25. Bowden | 75. Iago |
26. Bowen | 76. Ignatius |
27. Bowie | 77. Jackson |
28. Bradford | 78. Jasper |
29. Bransen | 79. Jerry |
30. Brave | 80. Joey |
31. Brennon | 81. Johnny |
32. Brentley | 82. Jungle |
33. Brodey | 83. Keith |
34. Brody | 84. Lancelot |
35. Bronko | 85. Leo |
36. Bruce | 86. Maximus |
37. Bruce | 87. Maxwell |
38. Bruno | 88. Micky |
39. Bryson | 89. Napoleon |
40. Buddy | 90. Othello |
41. Bugsy | 91. Ralph |
42. Burton | 92. Ravage |
43. Byron | 93. Rival |
44. Camo | 94. Stealth |
45. Cargo | 95. Survivor |
46. Defender | 96. Tommy |
47. Dexter | 97. Valiant |
48. Diego | 98. Victory |
49. Diego | 99. War |
50. Dirk | 100. Wolverine |
Female bears are classy, loyal and amazing moms. They're loving and caring of their adorable cubs and deserve traditional and classic names. See some facts about female bears. Below is the list of female bear names we love.
1. Ada | 51. Ivy |
2. Agatha | 52. Jazzy |
3. Agnes | 53. Jewel |
4. Anastasia | 54. Josephine |
5. Ariane | 55. Koa |
6. Augusta | 56. Leonora |
7. Avery | 57. Liza |
8. Barbara Bear | 58. Lottie |
9. Bea | 59. Lou |
10. Beatrice | 60. Lucinda |
11. Beatrix Bear | 61. Mabel |
12. Becca Bear | 62. Maggie |
13. Becky Bear | 63. Marshmallow |
14. Bella Bear | 64. Martha |
15. Bernadette Bear | 65. Matilda |
16. Bethany Bear | 66. May |
17. Betty Bear | 67. Mildred |
18. Bianca Bear | 68. Millie |
19. Bina Bear | 69. Olivia |
20. Birdie Bear | 70. Opal |
21. Blanche | 71. Ottilie |
22. Bonnie Bear | 72. Patsy |
23. Brandi Bear | 73. Pearl |
24. Britney Bear | 74. Penelope |
25. Bronte Bear | 75. Polly |
26. Bronwyn Bear | 76. Queenie |
27. Buttercup | 77. Rosie |
28. Callie | 78. Roxie |
29. Carlotta | 79. Ruthie |
30. Clara | 80. Sandy |
31. Clemency | 81. Scarlett |
32. Constance | 82. Sunshine |
33. Dandelion | 83. Susie |
34. Dora | 84. Tabby Teddy |
35. Eden | 85. Taffy |
36. Elsa | 86. Tatiana Teddy |
37. Elsie | 87. Tatty Teddy |
38. Emmy | 88. Taylor Teddy |
39. Fay | 89. Terri Teddy |
40. Flora | 90. Tiffany Teddy |
41. Frances | 91. Tina Teddy |
42. Geraldine | 92. Toffy |
43. Hattie | 93. Toni Teddy |
44. Hazel | 94. Trudy Teddy |
45. Helena | 95. Ursella |
46. Henrietta | 96. Valerie |
47. Hermione | 97. Viola |
48. Ida | 98. Violet |
49. Iris | 99. Winnie |
50. Isabel | 100. Winona |
Bears and teddy bears tend to be funny as well as cute. Sometimes, a funny name helps personality show! Here is a list of funny bear names you can give your teddy bear. Some of these names will be fun to talk about with friends.
1. Barbearian | 41. Grizzly |
2. Bear Degidio | 42. Gummy Bear |
3. Bear Foot | 43. Hairy McLairy |
4. Bear Hugz | 44. Happy |
5. Bear Minimum | 45. Knight Night |
6. Bear Pascoe | 46. Koala-fied |
7. Bear Rinehart | 47. Lovebug |
8. Bear With Me | 48. Mr Hugglesworth |
9. Bearobics | 49. Cuddlesworth |
10. Bearoness | 50. Mrs Kisses |
11. Bear-o-plane | 51. Neddy the Teddy |
12. Beary Christmas | 52. Nibbs |
13. Beary Potter | 53. Paddington |
14. Beware Bear | 54. Padfoot |
15. Big Hair Bear | 55. Panda-monium |
16. Boots | 56. Paws |
17. Bowzer | 57. Peter Panda |
18. Bubbles | 58. Pocket Rocket |
19. Bubsy Bear | 59. Polar Opposite |
20. Caramel | 60. Rasbeary |
21. Cher Bear | 61. Rawr |
22. Chocolate | 62. Ronnie |
23. Chubs | 63. Sargent Teddy |
24. Clare Bear | 64. Shorty |
25. Claws | 65. Shreddy the Teddy |
26. Coco Koala | 66. Skittle |
27. Cuddle Buddy | 67. Snuggabear |
28. Cuddlebug | 68. Snuggles |
29. Dopey | 69. Squishface |
30. Dusty | 70. Squishy |
31. Eddy the Teddy | 71. Strawbeary |
32. Fair and Square Bear | 72. Stuffing |
33. Flair Bear | 73. Theodore |
34. Frosty | 74. Tickles |
35. Fur Real | 75. Tubby |
36. Fuzzball | 76. Unbearable |
37. Fuzzy Wuzzy | 77. Wadsworth |
38. Giggles | 78. Waffles |
39. Good Koalaty | 79. Worse for Wear Bear |
40. Goosbeary | 80. Yoga Bear |
The most popular bear names we could find are in this list. Some our cute, some are funny, some are fierce! Take a look at these popular bear names.
1. Arcadius | 51. Honey |
2. Arto | 52. Mahon |
3. Artorius | 53. Maple |
4. Aspen | 54. Marmaduke |
5. Autumn | 55. Mellow |
6. Ava | 56. Melody |
7. Bamboo | 57. Midnight |
8. Banjo | 58. Mitch |
9. Barnaby | 59. Moa |
10. Barney | 60. Mocha |
11. Bean | 61. Monarch |
12. Bearnard | 62. Moose |
13. Beowulf | 63. Nadine |
14. Bernardine | 64. Night |
15. Bernie | 65. Oakley |
16. Brownie | 66. Oliver |
17. Bubbles | 67. Oreo |
18. Buddy | 68. Otto |
19. Buttons | 69. Pancake |
20. Cashew | 70. Paws |
21. Cedar | 71. Peanut |
22. Cenela | 72. Poe |
23. Chai | 73. Pooh |
24. Chance | 74. Roar |
25. Charcoal | 75. Rolo |
26. Charly | 76. Ruby |
27. Cheeky | 77. Sage |
28. Chesnut | 78. Seren |
29. Chocolate Chip | 79. Shimmer |
30. Coco | 80. Shine |
31. Coffee | 81. Shiver |
32. Cookie | 82. Sidney |
33. Copper | 83. Sierra |
34. Crash | 84. Skittle |
35. Cuddles | 85. Sleepy |
36. Domino | 86. Snugglebug |
37. Dormire | 87. Snuggles |
38. Dozer | 88. Softy |
39. Droopy | 89. Soporific |
40. Echo | 90. Stretcher |
41. Eeyore | 91. Sugar |
42. Elmar | 92. Sunny |
43. Espresso | 93. Tawny |
44. Fluffles | 94. Theo |
45. Fudge | 95. Toast |
46. Georgy | 96. Toffee |
47. Goldie | 97. Trixie |
48. Gretel | 98. Truffle |
49. Gus | 99. Velvet |
50. Hershey | 100. Whiskey |
Bear Names by Species
Choosing a name for your bear-inspired companion can be exciting, especially when drawing inspiration from specific bear species. Below is a list of bear names tailored to brown bears, polar bears, panda bears, and black bears. Each name connects to characteristics, environments, or cultural influences related to these magnificent creatures.
Brown Bear Names
Brown bears are powerful and iconic, often associated with forests and mountains. Here are some names inspired by their rugged charm:
- Darwin: A nod to the naturalist who studied wildlife.
- Urso: Derived from the Latin word for bear.
- Kodi: Short for Kodiak, a famous brown bear subspecies.
- Grizzly: A simple yet fitting name for the grizzly bear.
- Tundra: Reflecting the vast landscapes where brown bears roam.
Polar Bear Names
Polar bears thrive in icy, snow-covered habitats. Their names often reflect cold climates and arctic culture:
- Nanuq: A name from Inuit culture meaning "polar bear."
- Snowbell: Capturing their snowy environment.
- Winter: A minimalist, elegant choice for a polar bear.
- Sleddy: Evoking the arctic tradition of sled dogs and snowy adventures.
- Tundra King: Highlighting their dominance in the tundra.
Panda Bear Names
Panda bears symbolize peace and charm. Their black-and-white coats and bamboo-filled lives inspire unique names:
- Bamboo: A perfect nod to their favorite food.
- Ping: A playful name inspired by Chinese culture.
- Snowy: For a panda with lighter features.
- Darling: Reflecting their beloved status in the animal kingdom.
- Chi-Chi: A famous panda from the 20th century.
Black Bear Names
Black bears are adaptable and intelligent, often found in forests across North America:
- Louisiana: Inspired by the Louisiana black bear, a unique subspecies.
- Midnight: Highlighting their dark fur.
- Shadow: A name reflecting their elusive nature.
- Smokey: A tribute to Smokey Bear, the famous fire prevention mascot.
- Forest King: A name that honors their role as the guardians of the wild.
Names Inspired by Mythology and Culture
Bear names rooted in mythology and culture add a deeper connection to these animals:
- Ursa: From the Latin constellation names Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
- Winnie the Pooh: Inspired by the beloved bear of children's stories.
- Paddington: A name full of charm and nostalgia.
- Native American Names: Many Native American cultures revered bears, offering names like Mato (Lakota for bear).
Creative Name Ideas
For those seeking unique or playful names:
- Snowbell: Perfect for a gentle bear with a frosty demeanor.
- Tundra: Highlighting the bear’s connection to icy wilderness.
- Darwin: Representing wisdom and curiosity.
How to Choose the Perfect Bear Name
When selecting a bear name, consider the bear’s species, personality, and any cultural or mythological connections. Whether you’re naming a teddy bear, a pet, or a character, choosing a name that resonates with its traits can create a meaningful bond.
Color-Inspired Bear Names
Bear names inspired by colors can reflect their appearance, personality, or even their environment. These names are perfect for teddy bears, pets, or characters, adding a unique and creative touch.
Names Inspired by Black Bears
Black bears often bring to mind deep, dark shades and mysterious elements of the night. Here are some great options:
- Shadow: Evoking the stealthy and mysterious nature of black bears.
- Midnight: Inspired by the deep black of the night sky.
- Onyx: A sleek, gem-inspired name perfect for a black teddy bear.
- Raven: A name that connects to the dark feathers of this bird, similar to a black bear's fur.
- Spot: A fun and playful name for black animals with unique markings.
Names Inspired by Brown Bears
Brown bears are iconic for their earthy tones and forest habitats. Consider these names:
- Hazel: Inspired by the warm, light brown color of hazelnuts.
- Amber: A glowing name that reflects shades of brown and gold.
- Cedar: A name tied to the trees in their natural environment.
- Rusty: Reflecting reddish-brown tones, perfect for a bear with a rugged personality.
- Mocha: A sweet name inspired by a rich coffee hue.
Polar Bear Color-Inspired Names
Polar bears are synonymous with snow and ice. These names reflect their frosty world:
- Snowball: A playful name perfect for a white teddy bear.
- Ivory: Highlighting the elegance of their white fur.
- Frost: A crisp, cool name that evokes the Arctic.
- Blizzard: Perfect for a bear that embodies strength and cold.
- Winter: A simple and timeless name inspired by their environment.
Playful and Colorful Bear Names
For bears with vibrant personalities, color-inspired names can be whimsical and fun:
- Rainbow: A name full of joy and variety.
- Berry: Inspired by colorful berries found in nature, like blueberries and raspberries.
- Peach: A soft, sweet name perfect for an adorable bear.
- Sunny: Bright and cheerful, like the color yellow.
- Copper: A shiny and unique name reflecting reddish-orange tones.
Creative Ideas for Color-Inspired Names
If you're looking for names outside the norm, here are some creative suggestions:
- Spot: Perfect for a bear with markings or a quirky personality.
- Palette: A name that celebrates the variety of colors in the world.
- Adora: Short for "adorable," especially fitting for teddy bears named after food items or shades.
- Night Sky: A poetic choice for darker-colored bears.
- Tawny: A warm and rustic name inspired by light brown hues.
How to Choose the Perfect Color-Inspired Name
Consider the bear’s color, character, and role in your life. A name that matches their traits or brings a smile to your face is always the best choice. For more inspiration, think of food items, elements of nature, or even shades in a color palette to spark ideas.
Let your imagination guide you as you pick a name that feels just right for your bear!