Top 4 Reasons Why Dogs Circle Before They Poop

Top 4 Reasons Why Dogs Circle Before They Poop

Out and about you’re walking your dog and waiting for them to use the bathroom. You find your dog spinning in circles trying to find the right spot or pooping in circles. It may seem like your pet is being silly, but most dogs like making circles instead pooping in 1 spot.

Why Do Dogs Circle Before They Poop?

In most cases dogs circle before they poop in order to find the perfect spot. According to Dr. Mary Burch, Ph.D “Not all dogs spin, but there are several reasons why some do”. Apparently, spinning before pooping dates to the dogs early ancestral days.

#1 – Comfortable Surface

Some have mentioned that this behavior is like when your dog spins in circle before lying down. This helps your dog find the perfect position they’re looking for. In the wild spinning in circles would help flatten the dirt into a soft surface for laying.

#2 – Safe from Threats

Your dog is spinning in circles in order to find the safest direction they can face. The spot that makes them most safe and comfortable is where they’ll settle. It also helps them look for small creatures, or bugs that may be interfering or causing threat.

#3 – Marking Territory

Dogs have an amazing sense of scent and in turn their bowel movement is similar to marking their territory. This helps other dogs in the area get a scent of the spot by knowing who showed, and some information about health. The theory is that when dogs spin, or kick up grass it leaves its scent for other dogs.

#4 – Bowel Movement

Spinning in circles and walking in circles can help your dog by making the bowels move down the intestinal tract especially if your dog is constipated. If you’ve noticed that your dog is constipated you may want to monitor their diet, or potentially make a visit to the vet.

All in all, if your dog doesn’t spin in circles before pooping you have nothing to worry about. It’s possible that the ancestral trait was never passed down, or disappeared from the family tree.

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